Donate Your E-Books/Materials To Others with EasyEngineering – Spread the joy and power of books by sharing..!

If you have any useful Engineering related Educational contents/materials with you, Kindly share with us, it will be more useful to other students those who are financially troubled but deserving to learn.

Note: Users/Students Kindly Avoid Sharing of DMCA Copyrighted Materials.

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Donate your Ebooks/Materials
All your filled details are private and secured by and, Sharing is Caring... Thank you for your shares & supports.
Your Full Name (It is not visible to anyone)

Your Email Address (It is not visible to anyone)

(Optional) Directly Upload your file, up to 1024 MB (1 GB) file are allowed to upload. (OR)
If you have Drive or Cloud Links share the link by using below option.

Note: Users/Students Kindly Avoid Sharing of DMCA Copyrighted Materials.

(Optional) Share your file Drive or Cloud or other links. (OR)
Upload your file directly by using above option.

Note: Users/Students Kindly Avoid Sharing of DMCA Copyrighted Materials.

If you wish to show your name as credits in EasyEngineering website along with your sharing file. (i.e., Your name will be displacing with your sharing file in EasyEngineering Website)

Note : Depend upon your file size the submission process will takes time, large files like : 100 MB or 200 MB or more need few minutes to submit.

If you face any error, You can also send your file directly to our mail - [email protected]