Certificate Physical and human Geography By Goen Che Leong – Be it climate change, types of natural vegetation, mountain chains, desserts, climatic patterns, glaciers, minerals or other natural phenomenon, Certificate Physical and Human Geography is a natural companion book to know and learn from. Elementary details of most topics that comprise of physical and human geography have been covered in an easy to understand language, with many photographs, illustrations and maps offering detailed explanation, wherever required.
Much of geographical knowledge that one needs to possess is there in this book. And for it, the book is highly relied upon by students appearing for competitive admission examinations or those aspiring to make the grades at competitive examinations held for many government openings by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
The book is divided into two main sections. The first one deals with physical geography, where in-depth information about existing land masses, oceans, types of winds, rivers, glaciation, mountain types, groundwater, rainfall and its global patterns and such existing natural phenomenon is presented in a well illustrated manner that makes reading a pleasure. It also has information on Earth’s crust and the various natural forces present in our world. There is a detailed section on earthquakes and volcanoes too. The second section details about the existing global climatic zones of Savanna, Steppe, Mediterranean, Equatorial and Tropical Monsoon Climate. Aspects of Human Geography spread over these varied climatic zones, the types of agriculture practiced, the urban centers, mineral wealth and the developed industrial belts have also been included.
At the end of each topic, a set of relevant questions have been put for practice and making a self-analysis about having obtained clarity of the subject presented. The book is considered very helpful by aspirants appearing for preliminary examination of Civil Services and other prestigious competitive examination that test general knowledge, which includes knowledge about geography. Certificate Physical and Human Geography was first published in 1984 and has been popular ever since.
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This book is an indispensible tool for preparing core concepts of psysical geography for Civil Services Preliminary Examination. Gives a lucid and crystal clear explanation of concepts.Presentation is excellant –Anirudh Shandilya
fantastic book for developing physical geography gyan. good for civil services. people complaining that it is very old version (1974 edition) so it is and thats why it is so cheap. it doesn’t matter that its Bombay or Mumbai or USSR or Russia as this book deals with physical geo. not the political one. –Abdul Ahad Siddique
It is a must buy book for getting hold of geography concepts. It is rich in diagrams, illustrations and case studies. It has always been favourite with geography toppers and also’for’general studies. In prelims geography carries considerable weight especially environmental geography which this books covers quite nicely. –vinay
About Author
Goh Cheng Leong is famous for his books on the topic of Geography and other subjects related to it. Apart from this book, he has also authored the books, Zz Elements of Geography and Human And Economic Geography.
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0195628160
- ISBN-13: 978-0195628166
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