Download A Handbook of Applied Biopolymer Technology: Synthesis, Degradation and Applications by Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Ackmez Mudhoo – Scientists are conducting active research in different fields of engineering, science and technology by adopting the Green Chemistry Principles and methodologies to devise new processes, with a view to help protect and ultimately save the environment from further anthropogenic interruptions and damage. With this in mind, the book provides an up-to-date, coherently written and objectively presented set of chapters from eminent international researchers who are actively involved in academic and technological research in the synthesis, (bio)degradation, testing and applications of biodegradable polymers and biopolymers.
This pool of the latest ideas, recent research and technological progress, together with a high level of thinking with a comprehensive perspective, makes the emerging field of biodegradable polymer science and engineering (or bio-based polymers) linked to environmental sustainability, the essence of this key publication.
The handbook consists of chapters written and contributed by international experts from academia who are world leaders in research and technology in sustainability and biopolymer and biodegradable polymer synthesis, characterisation, testing and use. The book highlights the following areas: green polymers; biopolymers and bionanocomposites; biodegradable and injectable polymers; biodegradable polyesters; synthesis and physical properties; discovery and characterization of biopolymers; degradable bioelastomers, lactic acid based biodegradable polymers; enzymatic degradation of biodegradable polymers; biodegradation of polymers in the composting environment; recent development in biodegradable polymers; research and applications and biodegradable foams.
The book is aimed at technical, research-orientated and marketing people in industry, universities and institutions. It will also be of value to the worldwide public interested in sustainability issues and biopolymer development as well as others interested in the practical means that are being used to reduce the environmental impacts of chemical processes and products, to further eco-efficiency, and to advance the utilization of renewable resources for a bio-based production and supplier chain. Readers will gain a comprehensive and consolidated overview of the immense potential and ongoing research in bio-based and biodegradable polymer science, engineering and technology to make the world greener.
“A Handbook of Applied Biopolymer Technology: Synthesis, Degradation and Applications by Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Ackmez Mudhoo PDF File”
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A Handbook of Applied Biopolymer Technology: Synthesis, Degradation and Applications By Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Ackmez Mudhoo – PDF Free Download
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Book Contents
Chapter 1 History of Sustainable Bio-based Polymers
Chapter 2 Synthetic Green Polymers from Renewable Monomers
Chapter 3 Polyhydroxyalkanoates: The Emerging New Green Polymers of Choice
Chapter 4 Fully Green Bionanocomposites
Chapter 5 Biopolymer-based Nanocomposites
Chapter 6 Biodegradable Polyesters: Synthesis and Physical Properties
Chapter 7 Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoplastic Agro-polymers
Chapter 8 Degradable Bioelastomers: Synthesis and Biodegradation
Chapter 9 Functionalization of Poly(L-lactide) and Applications of the Functionalized Poly(L-lactide)
Chapter 10 Biodegradation of Poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates)
Chapter 11 Degradation of Biodegradable and Green Polymers in the Composting Environment
Chapter 12 Biodegradable Polymers: Research and Applications
Chapter 13 Impacts of Biodegradable Polymers: Towards Biomedical Applications
Chapter 14 Biodegradable Injectable Systems for Bone Tissue Engineering
Chapter 15 Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from Activated Sludge
Subject Index
About Author
Professor Sanjay K Sharma is a well known author of many books and hundreds of articles over the last twenty years. He is presently working as Professor and Head in the Department of Chemistry & Environmental Engineering at the Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET), Alwar, India. He gained his PhD in Synthetic Organophosphorus Chemistry and Computational Chemistry. In 1999, he joined IET and started working in the field of Environmental Chemistry and established a Green Chemistry Research Laboratory.
His work in the field of Green Corrosion Inhibitors is very well regarded by the international research community. He is a member of the American Chemical Society (USA) and Green Chemistry Network (Royal Society of Chemists, UK) and is also a Life member of various international professional societies including the International Society of Analytical Scientists, Indian Council of Chemists, International Congress of Chemistry and Environment and the Indian Chemical Society. Dr Sharma has six textbooks and over 40 research papers of national and international repute to his credit, and he also serves as Editor-in-Chief for two international research journals and is reviewer in many other international journals.
Ackmez Mudhoo is presently Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Mauritius. He obtained his First Class Bachelors Degree in Chemical and Environmental Engineering from the University of Mauritius in 2004. He then successfully read and completed a Master of Philosophy Degree by Research in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Mauritius in 2009. His main research interests span the analysis and design of composting systems, the biological treatment of solid wastes and wastewaters, and green process engineering. He has 24 international journal publications, 4 conference papers and 5 book chapters to his credit, and an additional 5 research/review papers in the pipeline. He also serves as a peer reviewer for many key journals in the field and is the Editor-in-Chief for two international research journals.
Book Details
A Handbook of Applied Biopolymer Technology: Synthesis, Degradation and Applications by Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Ackmez Mudhoo – Details
Book Name | A Handbook of Applied Biopolymer Technology: Synthesis, Degradation and Applications |
Author Name | Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Ackmez Mudhoo |
Language | English |
ISBN-10 | 1849731519 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1849731515 |
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