Download Signals and Systems By Tarun Kumar Rawat – Signals and Systems is a comprehensive textbook designed for undergraduate students of engineering for a course on signals and systems. Each topic is explained lucidly by introducing the concepts first through abstract mathematical reasoning and illustrations, and then through solved examples. Signals and Systems is a textbook designed for undergraduate students of engineering for a course by the same title. This textbook uses a student-friendly approach to explain the fundamental concepts of the subject. It includes numerous solved examples with step-by-step solutions for easier understanding of the theoretical concepts.
Beginning with classifying signals, the book moves on to other topics such as convolution and correlation of signals, CTFS, DTFS, CTFT, Sampling, Laplace Transform, and z-Transform. One complete chapter is devoted to MATLAB programs and another chapter is entirely devoted to Hilbert Transform. The subject matter is presented by illustrating the concepts first through abstract mathematical reasoning and then through solved examples. Solving the number of multiple choice questions and numerical exercises at the end of the chapters will help students to apply the concepts learnt in the chapters.
The book provides a simultaneous coverage of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Beginning with classifying signals, the book sequentially covers important topics such as convolution and correlation of signals, continuous-time Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier series, continuous-time Fourier transform, sampling, Hilbert transform, Laplace transform, and z-transform. A chapter on MATLAB programs presenting the applicability of the software to problems of signals and systems has also been included at the end of the book
Key Features
- Contains more than 500 solved examples along with numerous multiple-choice questions and numerical problems
- Includes a separate chapter on Hilbert transform including the concept of pre-envelope and complex envelope
- Provides appendices containing mathematical relations, complex numbers, and partial fraction expansion
- Contains model question papers for practice
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Book Contents
- Chapter 1: Signals and Systems
- Chapter 2: Convolution and Correlation
- Chapter 3: Continuous-Time Fourier Series
- Chapter 4: Discrete-Time Fourier Series
- Chapter 5: Continuous-Time Fourier Transform
- Chapter 6: Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- Chapter 7: Hilbert Transform
- Chapter 8: Sampling
- Chapter 9: Laplace Transform
- Chapter 10: z-Transform
- Chapter 11: State Space Analysis
- Chapter 12: MATLAB Programs
- A Mathematical Relations
- B Complex Numbers
- C Partial Fraction Expansion
- Model Question Papers
- Bibliography
- Index
About Author
Tarun Kumar Rawat is a faculty in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT), Delhi. He has completed his M Tech and PhD from the University of Delhi in the area of signal processing. Dr Rawat’s teaching and research interests are in the areas of circuits and systems, digital signal processing, statistical signal processing, stochastic nonlinear filters, and digital communication. He has published several papers in various international journals of repute and is a member of IETE and a life member of ISTE
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0198066791
- ISBN-13: 978-0198066798
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