Download Automotive Mechanics Principles and Practices By Joseph Heitner – The book is organized into eight teaching units each of which deals with a complete division of the automobile. Because of this feature each unit can be covered with little or no reference to any other unit thus imparting un usual flexibility to the book. The units can be covered in any order in accordance with the needs or interests of the group. Although basic material is given major emphasis each unit includes optional topics for enrichment. The book can therefore be used in all types If olive training courses varying in scope duration or the ability level of title students. A simplified description of each topic is given at the beginning of each chapter and then expanded as readers comprehension grows until an entire mechanism is treated in every detail. To aid in visualization clear simple illustrations have been selected. Schematic drawings are used wherever feasible to illustrate the simplified portions of the text.
Automotive Mechanics is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of Mechanical Engineering. The book comprises chapters on motor vehicle, power unit, bearings and lubrication, cooling system, electrical system and running system. In addition, the book consists of several simple illustrations and schematic diagrams to understand the concepts better. This book is a must-have for mechanical engineers preparing for competitive examinations like GATE and IES.
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Book Contents
One: The Motor Vehicle: 1. History and Operation; Two: The Power Unit: 2. Principles of Engine Operation; 3. Engine Parts and their Functions; 4. Multiple-Cylinder Engines; 5. Engine Troubles and Repairs; Three Bearings and Lubrication: 6. Bearings and Lubrication; Four: The Fuel System: 7. Combustion and Engine Fuels; 8. The Carburetor; 9. Fuel-Feed, Intake and Exhaust Systems; Five: The Cooling System: 10. The Cooling System; Six: The Electrical System: 11. Fundamentals of Magnetism and electricity; 12. Battery, Starting and Generating Systems; 13. Ignition, Lighting and Electrical Instruments; Seven: The Power Train: 14. The Clutch; 15. Fundamentals of Gear Operation; 16. Manually Operated Selective Transmission Overdrive, Fluid Drive, Chryster Semi-automative; 17. Transmissions; 18. Hydra-Matic Transmissions; 19. Torque-Converter Transmissions; 20. Propeller Shafts, Final Drives and Differentials; Eights: The Running System: 21. Brakes, Wheels and Tires; 22. Frame, Suspensions and Steering Systems; Index.
About Author
Joseph Heitner is an academic author and educationist.
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 8123908911
- ISBN-13: 978-8123908915
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