Download Bridge Engineering Handbook : Seismic Design By Wai-Fah Chen, Lian Duan – Over 140 experts, 14 countries, and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of the Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection highlights bridge engineering specimens from around the world, contains detailed information on bridge engineering, and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject.
Published in five books: Fundamentals, Superstructure Design, Substructure Design, Seismic Design, and Construction and Maintenance, this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures, includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering, contains 26 completely new chapters, and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts, specifications, and practice, as well as the various types of bridges. The text includes over 2,500 tables, charts, illustrations, and photos. The book covers new, innovative and traditional methods and practices; explores rehabilitation, retrofit, and maintenance; and examines seismic design and building materials.
The fourth book, Seismic Design contains 18 chapters, and covers seismic bridge analysis and design.
What’s New in this Edition:
- Includes seven new chapters: Seismic Random Response Analysis, Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Bridges, Seismic Design of Thin-Walled Steel and CFT Piers, Seismic Design of Cable-Supported Bridges, and three chapters covering Seismic Design Practice in California, China, and Italy
- Combines Seismic Retrofit Practice and Seismic Retrofit Technology into one chapter called Seismic Retrofit Technology
- Rewrites Earthquake Damage to Bridges and Seismic Design of Concrete Bridges chapters
- Rewrites Seismic Design Philosophies and Performance-Based Design Criteria chapter and retitles it as Seismic Bridge Design Specifications for the United States
- Revamps Seismic Isolation and Supplemental Energy Dissipation chapter and retitles it as Seismic Isolation Design for Bridges
This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design, construction, maintenance), and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses.
Bridge Engineering Handbook : Seismic Design By Wai-Fah Chen, Lian Duan – PDF Free Download
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Book Contents
Geotechnical Earthquake Considerations
Steven Kramer and Charles Scawthorn
Earthquake Damage to Bridges
Mark Yashinsky, Jack Moehle, and Marc Eberhard
Dynamic Analysis
Wei Zhang, Murugesu Vinayagamoorth, and Lian Duan
Seismic Random Response Analysis
Jiahao Lin, Yahui Zhang, and Yan Zhao
Nonlinear Analysis
Mahamad Akkari and Lian Duan
Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Bridges
M J Nigel Priestley, Mervyn J Kowalsky, and Gian Michele Calvi
Seismic Bridge Design Specifications for the United States
Roy A Imbsen
Seismic Design of Concrete Bridges
Larry Wu
Seismic Design of Steel Bridges
Chia-Ming Uang, Michel Bruneau, and Keh-Chyuan Tsai
Seismic Design of Thin-Walled Steel and CFT Piers
Yoshiaki Goto
Seismic Design of Cable Supported Bridges
Jian Ren Tao and Semyon Treyger
Seismic Isolation Design for Bridges
Roy A Imbsen and Larry Wu
Seismic Retrofit Technology
Kevin I Keady, Fadel Alameddine, and Thomas E Sardo
Soil–Foundation–Structure Interaction
Wen-Shou Tseng and Joseph Penzien
Seismic Design Practice in California
Mark Yashinsky and Lian Duan
Seismic Design Practice in China
Kehai Wang, Qian Li, Han Wei, and Yue Li
Seismic Design Practice in Italy
Gian Michele Calvi, Paolo Emilio Pinto, and Paolo Franchin
Seismic Design Practice in Japan
Shigeki Unjoh
About Author
Dr. Wai-Fah Chen is a research professor of civil engineering at the University of Hawaii. He earned his BS in civil engineering from the National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, in 1959, MS in structural engineering from Lehigh University in 1963, and PhD in solid mechanics from Brown University in 1966. His interests include constitutive modeling of engineering materials, soil and concrete plasticity, structural connections, and structural stability, and he has received several national engineering awards. In 1995, he was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Chen has authored and coauthored more than 20 engineering books and 500 technical papers. He is editor-in-chief for the Civil Engineering Handbook, the Handbook of Structural Engineering, the Earthquake Engineering Handbook, and the Handbook of International Bridge Engineering (C@P).
Dr. Lian Duan is a senior bridge engineer and structural steel committee chair with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). He earned his diploma in civil engineering in 1975, MS in structural engineering in 1981 from Taiyuan University of Technology, China, and PhD in structural engineering from Purdue University in 1990. His interests include inelastic behavior of reinforced concrete and steel structures, structural stability, seismic bridge analysis, and design. Dr. Duan has authored and coauthored more than 70 papers, chapters, and reports, and is the coeditor of the Handbook of International Bridge Engineering(C@P). He has received several awards, including the prestigious 2001 Arthur M. Wellington Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1439852189
- ISBN-13: 978-1439852187
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