Download Material Science By S.L. Kakani, Amit Kakani – This comprehensive text revised to cover latest syllabi of B.Tech., M.Sc. (Material Science), M.Sc. (Chemistry), AMIE and Diploma Students provide sound basis for understanding the concepts, theory and applications of Material Science. The book has been revised in such a manner that research students as well as students preparing for GATE, NET, SLET may also find it quite useful.
In twenty chapters, the book deals with all aspects of Material Science, e.g. structure crystal defects, various properties, phase diagrams, phase transformations, deformation, oxidation and corrosion, etc. Special chapters on composites, polymers, organic materials, superconducting materials, semiconductors, etc. make the book quite useful for advanced studies and research.
Material Science Book By S.L. Kakani, Amit Kakani – PDF Free Download
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Highlights of the book
- Fundamental Principles and Applications are discussed with explanatory diagrams in a clear way.
- A full coverage of background topics with latest developments is provided.
- Special chapters on Modern Engineering Materials,Superconductivity, Semiconductors, Polymers, Composites, Organic Materials, etc. are dealt in depth.
- Worked out typical problems, review questions, problems, short-questions answers and typical objective type questions along with suggested readings are given with each chapter.
- At the end of each chapter summary is provided which helps in reviewing the entire chapter in short time.
- Subject matter is dealt from elementary to the advanced level in a unique manner.
- The book is student friendly, thought-provoking and stimulating.
About the Author:
Dr. S L Kakani, MSc (Physics), PhD, Former Executive Director, Institute of Technology and Management, Bhilwara (Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota) and approved by AICTE, New Delhi, is an internationally renowned physicist and has a distinguished career spanning four decades of teaching, research and administration. He has authored a large number of research papers in the fields of Superconductivity, Condensed Matter, Nano-materials and Material Science published in international journals of repute. He is author and co-author of several standard works.
Recently his four books have been published from Anshan Ltd., Kent, UK. He has supervised PhD theses in the field of superconductivity.
Prof. Kakani served as Chairman, Board of Studies and Research Board, MDS University, Ajmer and member SLET, RPSC, Ajmer. He is a visiting professor at several prestigious institutions. He has received several prestigious national and international awards and honours for his academic contributions and achievements. He is a life member of IAPT, Vigyan Parishad and High-Temperature Superconductivity.
Amit Kakani BE., PGD-GMT (NIFT) obtained his BE degree with honours from MLV Textile Institute Bhilwara and PGD-GMT from National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gandhinagar (Gujarat). During 2001-03, he served Sewa International and Konega International, but presently serving Shahi Export House. He has received several awards and honours on project works. He has co-authored two books.
Classification and Selection of Materials
Atomic Structure and Electronic Configuration
Crystal Geometry, Structure and Defects
Bonds in Solids
Electron Theory of Metals
Photoelectric Effect
Diffusion in Solids
Mechanical Properties of Materials and Mechanical Tests
Alloy Systems, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations
Heat Treatment
Deformation of Materials
Oxidation and Corrosion
Thermal and Optical Properties of Materials : Section A: Thermal Properties; Section B: Optical Properties
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Superconductivity and Superconducting Materials
Organic Materials: Polymers and Elastomers
Modern Engineering Materials
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