Mechanics of Materials book by the author Madhukar Vable synthesizes the empirical relationships of materials into the logical and deduced framework of mechanics to produce formulas for use in the design of structures and other solid bodies. The field has seen incredible growth in the last twenty-five years. A few years ago, today’s routine industry techniques and practices were merely researched topics; studies that applied only to civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and aerospace engineering now apply to such commonplace things as electronic packaging, medical implants, geological movements and wood products that meet specific strength requirements. It is into this rapidly changing world that Madhukar Vable’s book Introduction to Mechanics of Materials takes its place as a standard text in mandatory courses for civil engineering majors and most mechanical and aerospace engineering majors. Author Madhukar Vable’s distinct pedagogical theory translates into exceptional features within the eBook that enhance the reader’s participation in learning.
Applications of the principles of mechanics of materials have increased considerably over the last 25 years. Today’s routine industrial practices and techniques were only esoteric research topics just a few years ago. That research is now relevant to such diverse but commonplace applications as electronic packaging, medical implantation, geology (seismic prediction), and engineered wood products.
It is in this rapidly changing world that Madhukar Vable’s Mechanics of Materials takes its place as a standard text for civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering majors, as well as for any other engineering discipline that includes mechanics of materials as a basic course. Vable’s distinct pedagogical approach translates into exceptional features that enhance student participation in learning. It assumes a complementary connection between intuition, experimental observation, and mathematical generalization, suggesting that intuitive development and understanding need not be at odds with mathematical logic, rigor, and generalization. This approach also emphasizes engineering practice without distracting from the main point of the text. With strong practical examples and real-life engineering problems praised by reviewers, Mechanics of Materials promises to provide the skills and principles that students need to organize, integrate, and make sense of the flood of information emerging in the world of modern engineering.
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Book Contents
A note to students
A note to instructor
Chapter 1: Stress
Chapter 2: Strain
Chapter 3: Mechanical properties of materials
Chapter 4: Axial members
Chapter 5: Torsion of Shafts
Chapter 6: Symmetric bending of beams
Chapter 7: Deflection of Symmetric Beams
Chapter 8: Stress Transformation
Chapter 9: Strain Transformation
Chapter 10: Design and Failure
Chapter 11: Stability of Columns
Appendix A: Statics review
Appendix B: Algorithms for numerical methods
Appendix C: Reference Information
Appendix D: Solutions to statics study exam
Appendix E: Answers to quick tests
Appendix H: Answers to selected problems
Formula sheet
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0195133374
- ISBN-13: 978-0195133370
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