Designed for ardent history enthusiasts, India’s Struggle For Independence is one of the most exhaustive and precise account of the struggle of Indian Independence ever written in the literary world. Written and edited by five expert authors, it presents a detailed outlook on one of the most important periods in Indian history.
The facts and details provided in this book have been gathered from oral and written sources, and various other primary sources have been used along with years of intense research. Written with a very concise approach, it is a one of a kind book that details the intricacies of the Indian Independence struggle.
The struggle for Indian Independence took a long time and was something that affected the whole country. Every state in the country boasted of some kind of revolt – minor or major during this period. Numerous revolutionaries throughout the country came together in their efforts to fight against the British rule and set their country free. Few of the chapters in the book are The Fight to Secure Press Freedom, Foundation of the Congress: The Myth, World War I and Indian Nationalism: The Ghadar, An Economic Critique of Colonialism, Peasant Movements and Uprisings after 1857, The Non-Cooperation Movement—1920-1922, The Gathering Storm-1927-1929, Civil Rebellions and Tribal Uprisings, and many more.
India’s Struggle For Independence takes the reader on a journey across India as she was craving for her Independence. This book starts at the very first revolt of 1857 under the guidance of Mangal Pandey, from Rani Lakshmi Bai’s innate passion to free her country, Subhash Chandra Bose’s unmatched charisma and aggressive tactics, to Mahatma Gandhi’s famous civil disobedience and non-cooperation movement, to the final victory in 1947 when the British Raj finally came to an end.
The book reflects a coherent narrative as it incorporates the existing historiographical advances and yet provides an utterly new and clear view of this period in Indian history.
India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947 By Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, Sucheta Mahajan – PDF Free Download
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Book Contents
A Note on Style
1. The First Major Challenge: The Revolt of 1857
2. Civil Rebellions and Tribal Uprisings
3. Peasant Movements and Uprisings after 1857
4. Foundation of the Congress: The Myth
5. Foundation of the Indian National Congress: The Reality
6. Socio-Religious Reforms and the National Awakening
7. An Economic Critique of Colonialism
8. The Fight to Secure Press Freedom
9. Propaganda in the Legislatures
10. The Swadeshi Movement-1903-1908
11. The Split in the Congress and the Rise of Revolutionary Terrorism
12. World War I and Indian Nationalism: The Ghadar
13. The Home Rule Movement and Its Fallout
14. Gandhiji’s Early Career and Activism
15. The Non-Cooperation Movement—I920-1922
16. Peasant Movements and Nationalism in the 1920s
17. The Indian Working Class and the National Movement
18. The Struggles for Gurdwara Reform and Temple Entry
12. The Years of Stagnation—Svvarajists,No-Changers and Gandhiji
13. Bhagat Singh, Surya Sen and the Revolutionary Terrorists
14. The Gathering Storm-1927-1929
About Author
Bipan Chandra is an Indian author, and historian, who is an expert in political history and economics. He has authored numerous other books including Communalism: A Primer, The Epic Struggle, Freedom Struggle and many more. He has taught at the University of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru University. He has been associated with the University Grants Commission of New Delhi and been the Chairperson of the Centre for Historical Studies, JNU.
Dr. Mridula Mukherjee is an award-winning author who works with the Centre for Historical Studies at JNU. Her other books include Colonialising Agriculture, Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, etc. She was the Director of Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.
Aditya Mukherjee’s other books include Imperialism, Nationalism And The Making Of The Indian Capitalist Class, and Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, etc.
Sucheta Mahajan’s other book are Independence and Partition and RSS, School Texts And The Murder Of Mahatma Gandhi.
K N Panikkar is a famous Indian historian and author. His other famous books are Colonialism, Culture and Resistance, Globalization and Higher Education in India, Emerging Trends in Higher Education, etc. His name is largely associated with the “Marxist school”. He has taught at both University of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0140107819
- ISBN-13: 978-0140107814
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