Download Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete By Varghese P.C – Limit state design is a method incorporated in structural engineering. Limit state is actually the state of a structure, which does not fit into a suitable design criteria. This second edition of Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete is updated according to IS 456:2000 which is the Indian Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete. The book provides insights into the detailing of steel, which makes it an ideal guide for practicing engineers.
In total, there are 20 chapters in this book, and some of them include Introduction To Limit State Design, Design of Flanged Beams, Design for Torsion, Design of One-Way Slabs, Methods of Design of Concrete Structures, and Effective Length of Columns. There are also four appendices at the end of this book, which cover general information pertaining to designs, along with formulas, tables, and the working stress method for designing. One of the chapters, based on applying these principles for the environment, has been revised.
In addition to providing insights on IS 456:2000, Limit State Design Of Reinforced Concrete also throws light on US and British Codes. Varghese also provides details about the new additions in the code for stirrups in be
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Book Contents
- List of Illustrations.
- List of Tables.
- Foreword.
- Preface.
- Preface to the First Edition.
- Acknowledgements.
- Introduction to IS 456 (2000).
- Introduction to Limit State Design.
- Methods of Design of Concrete Structures.
- Partial Safety Factors in Limit State Design.
- Limit State of Durability of Reinforced Concrete to Environment.
- Theory of Singly Reinforced Members in Bending (Limit State of Collapse—Flexure).
- Examples in Design and Analysis of Singly Reinforced Beams.
- Design of Doubly Reinforced Beams.
- Limit State of Collapse in Shear (Design for Shear).
- Design of Flanged Beams.
- Design of Bending Members for Serviceability Requirements of Deflection and Cracking.
- Bond, Anchorage, Development Lengths and Splicing.
- Design of One-way Slabs.
- Design of Two-way Slabs.
- Limit State of Collapse in Compression Design of Axially Loaded Short Columns.
- Design of Short Columns with Moments.
- Effective Length of Columns.
- Design of R.C. Slender Columns.
- Design of Concrete Walls Carrying Vertical Loads.
- Design for Torsion.
- Design of R.C. Members in Tension.
- Design of Staircases.
- Design of Corbels, Brackets and Nibs.
- Design of Footings, Pedestals and Pile Caps.
- Appendices
- A: Working Stress Method of Design.
- B: General Data for Designs.
- C: Formula for Some Charts and Tables in IS 456.
- D: Standard Method of Detailing R.C. Beams and Slabs.
- Index.
About Author
P. C. Varghese is an author and professor. Varghese has written Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, Design of Reinforced Concrete Shells And Folded Plates, and Engineering Geology For Civil Engineers.
Varghese completed his M. Engg. from Harvard University, and also holds a doctoral degree. He has held the position of the Professor and Head of the Civil Engineering Department at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Madras. He presently serves as an Honorary Professor at Anna University. Varghese has also been UNESCO’s Chief Technical Advisor for the University of Moratuwa in Colombo. He has more than six decades of teaching experience in renowned educational institutions such as the IITs. He has also served as a consultant for a number of projects in India and overseas.
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 8120320395
- ISBN-13: 978-8120320390
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