A broad, practical introduction to operations, reinforced with an extensive collection of practice problems. Operations Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of problems on the market. The problems found in this text also contain ample support—found in the book’s solved-problems, worked examples, and myomlab, P@N’s new online homework and tutorial system—to help students complete and understand assignments even when they’re not in class.
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About Author
“Barry Render” is the Charles Harwood Distinguished Professor of Management Science at the Roy E. Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. He received his M.S. in Operations Research and his Ph.D. in Quantitative Analysis at the University of Cincinnati. He previously taught at George Washington University, the University of New Orleans, Boston University, and George Mason University, where he held the GM Foundation Professorship in Decision Sciences and was Chair of the Decision Science Department. Dr. Render has also worked in the aerospace industry for General Electric, McDonnell Douglas, and NASA.
Professor Render has co-authored ten textbooks with Prentice-Hall, including “Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, Operations Management, Principles of Operations Management, Service Management, Introduction to Management Science,” and “Cases and Readings in Management Science.” His more than one hundred articles on a variety of management topics have appeared in “Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management, Interfaces, Information and Management,” the “Journal of Management Information Systems, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,” and “Operations Management Review,” among others.
Dr. Render has also been honored as an AACSB Fellow and named as a Senior Fulbright Scholar in 1982 and again in 1993. He was twice vice-president of the Decision Science Institute Southeast Region and served as Software Review Editor for Decision Line from 1989 to 1995. He has also served as Editor of the “New York Times” Operations Management special issues from 1996 to 2001. Finally, Professor Render has been actively involved inconsulting for government agencies and for many corporations, including NASA; the FBI; the U.S. Navy; Fairfax County, Virginia; and C8zP Telephone.
He teaches operations management courses in Rollins College’s MBA and Executive MBA programs. In 1995 he was named as that school’s Professor of the Year, and in 1996 was selected by Roosevelt University to receive the St. Claire Drake Award for Outstanding Scholarship.
“Ralph Stair” has been Professor of Management Science at Florida State University for twenty years and is now entering its phased retirement program. He received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University and an MBA from Tulane University. Under the guidance of Ken Ramsing and Alan Eliason, he received his Ph.D. in operations management from the University of Oregon.
He has taught at the University of Oregon, the University of Washington, the University of New Orleans, and Florida State University. He has twice taught in Florida State University’s Study Abroad Program in London. Over the years, his teaching has been concentrated in the areas of information systems, operations research, and operations management.
Dr. Stair is a member of several academic organizations, including the Decision Sciences Institute and INFORMS, and he regularly participates at national meetings. He has published numerous articles and books, including “Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, Introduction to Management Science, Cases and Readings in Management Science, Production and Operations Management: A Self-Correction Approach, Fundamentals of Information Systems, Principles of Information Systems, Introduction to Information Systems, Computers in Today’sWorld, Principles of Data Processing, Learning to Live with Computers, Programming in BASIC, Essentials of BASIC Programming, Essentials of FORTRAN Programming, and Essentials of COBOL Programming.”
Dr. Stair divides his time between Florida and Colorado. He enjoys skiing, biking, kayaking, and other outdoor activities.
“Michael E. Hanna” is Professor of Decision Sciences at the University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL). –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Book Details
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 8131721388
- ISBN-13: 978-8131721384
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